Wednesday, October 04, 2006


While "routine" may very well become part of the "grind", I still think it's a good idea to establish some social routines to prevent the situation where you're too tired to arrange meetings with friends.

My wife introduced a habit of hanging out at a coffee shop on Mondays, post-school and -work. I think that's a great idea. Mondays always go to waste, as you're too stressed or zoned out to really do anything at home, anyway. We did that this Monday, and it was good. We're also thinking of hanging out regularly on Fridays, watching telly and whatnot. Most people have probably come up with similar schemes ages ago, but they feel like revelations to me. I've been really holed up at home when I'm not at work.

I'm thinking that maybe I could extend this to the other things I never find the time to do. Like gaming - besides videogames, that is. I'd like to continue our shelved roleplaying game campaigns and play with miniatures, but we haven't been able to come up with dates. It might be a good idea to agree upon playing every other weekend or so. There's still the problem of our university-going friends finding the time, but maybe the rest of us could play something else when they can't make it.


Yesterday I did the six-minute run with no problem whatsoever. It was raining properly, too - it felt absolutely great to run in the rain! My ankles didn't hurt either, though they're aching a bit today. Still thinking about those running shoes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Routine is both a blessing and a curse.

Having quit my job to study full-time I've found out that planning to fill days with meaningful activity is actually really stressful. Involving yourself in organizations or societies can be a real pain when you have to drag yourself to a meeting on a thursday night. I guess I'm a bit scared of overworking myself, but just like you I can't stand just being holed up at home anymore.

It must be a pendulum thing. When you're starting something new you never know how much to take on. You invariably do too much, then swing back due to exhaustion, then back again due to rising interest.

I'll definitely play you over Christmas break.