Sunday, October 01, 2006

Setbacks and good encounters

My ankles have hurt all past week. I kept off running for a few days because of that. On today's run they hurt in the beginning, but it subsided, so I guess it's all right. Maybe they're just protesting about not getting to lay there uselessly, maybe I need to invest in some proper running shoes. Today I did the six minutes target. It was hard, and I was running in the rain, but it does feel good afterwards! I really can't wait being able to run for, say, half an hour at a time.

Yesterday I was seeing off an old acquintance who's moving abroad. We're not at all close, and some months ago I maybe wouldn't've gone, but going by my new rules, I knew I had to. It turned out to be an excellent night. The music was very good, the bar was cozy, the GTs all right and there were a lot of guys I see rarely to catch up with.

I met three new people, one on account of a really cool shirt he was wearing. We talked about videogames for a long time - our friends must've been pissed off. Sorry about that. I've never met a hardcore videogame enthusiast with a perfectly matching taste in games in real life before. So it serves to wear your colors!

And I don't have the slightest hangover! Today's supposed to be Zombie Walk Helsinki, but the weather's... lacking. Which of course may fit the theme rather well.

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